Writepace is delighted to announce the launch of its “Walls of Limerick” Mentoring Project, funded by the Arts Council. Following a rigorous application process, our ten mentees have been selected.
The project sought writers who have demonstrated a commitment to their craft but who, for whatever reasons, felt they were facing barriers to progressing. Now that we have selected our applicants, they will be offered:
* Free individualised mentoring from experienced writers.
* Free, fully funded participation in a bespoke weekend residency for writers, (or online equivalent) which will provide an intensive, highly supportive environment in which to develop and accelerate creative work on a specific writing goal.
* The opportunity to have their work edited, proofread and published in a special edition of Limerick literary journal, Silver Apples Magazine.
* Support from the Writepace member network – a Limerick-based co-operative for creative writers.
* Practical support for writing equipment and resources including laptop loan scheme.